Bhadrak Autonomous College, Bhadrak (BACBDK) earstwhile Bhadrak College was established on 6th July, 1948 in Bhadrak town with the initiative of some benevolent personalities like Dr. Harekrushna Mahatab, a noted politician, ex-Chief Minister of Orissa and ex-Governor of Maharastra, Narendra Prasad Das, a lawyer of repute, Chhakadi Mohanty, an eminent resident of the nearby village Jagannathpur, Mr. Sirajuddin, a well-known mines owner and a host of others. With a modest yet confident beginning, the College has traversed a long way. At first, the college was affiliated to Utkal University for Intermediate Arts only. Intermediate Science classes were started in 1954-55. Degree courses in Humanities and Science were introduced in 1951 and 1960-61 respectively.