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As per the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) guidelines, every accredited institution should establish its own Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC). This is essential to maintaining the university's post-accreditation quality. Quality enhancement is a continuous process. The IQAC becomes a part of the institution’s system and works towards the realization of the goals of quality enhancement and sustenance.

As a part of the post-NAAC quality sustenance effort, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell was established at Bhadrak Auto. College. The establishment of IQAC has marked a watershed regarding the understanding of the notion of “Quality Assurance” in the college. The IQAC at the college is successful not only in taking up several quality assurance activities but also in the creation of an institutional database in the college.

One of the significant contributions of IQAC is to implement the student’s feedback on the curriculum. The feedback is collected online and is done at the end of each semester. The feedback collected on the curriculum is compiled and reported to the departments. The departments, in turn, take up necessary corrective measures.

The IQAC of Bhadrak Autonomous College is located on the ground floor of the Administrative Building of the college.


1. The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), is to build and ensure a quality culture at the institutional level.
2. The IQAC is meant to plan, guide and monitor Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Enhancement (QE) activities of the College.
3. The IQAC shall not be a record-keeping cell but shall channel and systematize the effort to pull the college in the path of academic excellence.


1. Preparation of the Annual Report for forwarding it to the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India.
2. Preparing the Annual Quality Assessment Report and submitting it to NAAC, Bangalore.
3. Participating in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) and sending necessary after compiling those collected from the departments and sections.
4. Collection of annual Performance Based Appraisal(PBAS) of faculties and Feedback on Curriculum from students.


Name Designation Contact No Email
Dr. Dinesh Chandra Das IQAC Co-Ordinator 9437224517
Dr. Manoranjan Sethy Deputy Co-Ordinator +91-9124215774
Dr. Ramesh Chandra Das Deputy Co-Ordinator +91-9002883115
Dr. Gopinath Khutia Member +91-9337980289
Dr. Alok Kumar Sahoo Member +91-9487064862
Dr. PADMANAVA MOHANTY Member +91-7008779305
DR. SUBRAT KUMAR BARIK Member +91-7735980553
DR. NARAYAN PRASAD BEHERA Member +91-9337129470

NAAC Uploads

# Title View
1 IQAC Composition 2022-23 VIEW
2 IQAC Composition 2021-22 VIEW
3 IQAC Composition 2020-21 VIEW
4 IQAC Composition 2019-20 VIEW
5 Quality Initiative 2019-20 VIEW
6 Quality Initiative 2020-21 VIEW
7 Quality Initiative 2021-22 VIEW
8 Quality Initiative 2018-19 VIEW
9 Criteria-4.1.1 VIEW
10 Criteria-4.1.2 VIEW
11 Criteria-4.1.3 VIEW
12 Best Practice VIEW
13 Policy-IT VIEW
14 Policy-Mantainance VIEW
15 Policy-Code of Ethics VIEW
16 Annual Report for 2023-24 VIEW
17 IQAC Composition 2023-24 VIEW
18 NIRF 2025 VIEW